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In the Outlook , items are uniquely identified by their EntryID Property . In the Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM), items are uniquely identified by their Object Identifier (OID).


In POOM, the main IPOutlookAppobject supports the IPOutlookApp::GetItemFromOidmethod, which retrieves the Item given its OID.

In POOM, you must not cache the OID from an item as you would cache an Entry Identifier because OIDs can change if the device is backed up and restored. If you must cache OIDs, you should have a daemon program that runs after a restore to reset these values.

You can get a POOM item's OID by using the get_Oidproperty method ( IItem::get_Oid, IAppointment::get_Oid, IContact::get_Oid, and ITask::get_Oid).

See Also