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This topic describes how to use shortcut menu extensions in your applications.

For hands-on practice creating shortcut menu extensions in your Windows Mobile applications, try the working WIN32 DLL example, Context Menu Extension Handler, located in the folder \Samples\CPP\Win32\Ctxmenu\.

To extend a shortcut menu

  1. Create a shortcut menu extension COM DLL that implements IContextMenuand IObjectWithSite. For more information, see How to Implement IContextMenu and IObjectWithSite.

  2. Register the COM component. For more information, see COM Registry Key s and CLSID Key on MSDN.

  3. Add registry entries to your Windows Mobile device, that specify where you want the shortcut menu extension to appear and how you want it to behave. You can register your shortcut menu extension generically, for handling shortcut menu extensions for the file system; or you can register it for a specific application. For more information, see Registration Format for File System Shortcut Menu Extensionsor Registration Format for Application Shortcut Menu Extensions.

  4. Copy your compiled component DLL (for example, cmycomp.dll) to the \Windows folder on your Windows Mobile device.

You can now invoke the shortcut menu extension with a tap-and-hold gesture.

See Also