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The user interface guidelines for Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic assist you in developing Windows Mobile applications that provide a good user experience.

In This Section

Accessibility and Ergonomic Guidelines

Outlines the guidelines for developing an accessible user interface.

Home Screen Guidelines

Describes the information the user might want instant access to, and ways to display it when the component is selected.

Navigation Guidelines

Describes the various views (list view, summary view, and edit view). and provides recommendations for using them.

Screen Rotation Guidelines

Describes practical approaches you can take to create screen layouts that accommodate portrait, landscape, and square.

Soft Key and Menu Guidelines

Describes the role that Soft Keys play in the user interface, and how to properly implement them in your applications.

Note that, beginning with Windows Mobile 6.5.3, soft keys are replaced by touchable tiles on Windows Mobile Professional phones.

Usability Guidelines

Provides a checklist to help you confirm that your application's user interface meets usability requirements.

User Interface Control Guidelines

Provides guidelines for user interface (UI) controls.

User Interface Text Guidelines

Provides guidelines for designing user interface text.

See Also