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If an object cannot be read from or written to the service provider on the desktop (due to GetPacketor SetPacketcall failures, for example), ActiveSync marks the object as "unresolved" and does not display error messages. Error messages are displayed only when the user later selects "Resolve Items."

The service provider can control when errors are displayed, through the use of two sub-flags that indicate when the provider is allowed to display errors. Control is not automatic; the provider must be written to handle the flags correctly.

Copy Code
#define BSF_SHOW_FATAL_ERRORS ((UINT)0x00000004)
// Errors that block synchronization should be displayed
#define BSF_SHOW_RESOLVE_ERRORS ((UINT)0x00000008)
// Errors should be displayed only during the "resolve items"

These sub-flags are set by ActiveSync in the uParamparameter for RSC_BEGIN_SYNC during IReplStore::ReportStatuscalls. When BSF_SHOW_FATAL_ERRORS is set, any serious failure (for example, loss of network connectivity) that keeps the service provider from continuing should be displayed. When BSF_SHOW_RESOLVE_ERRORS is set, any per-object errors should be displayed, typically during GetPacketand SetPacketcalls.

If neither flag is set, no errors should be shown. If RSC_REMOTE_SYNC is set, no blocking user interface should be shown.

See Also