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The GPS Intermediate Driver uses this IOCTL when the GPS hardware is configured using an input source of type Poll. For more information, see GPS Intermediate Driver Poll Registry Settings.


The lpOutBuffer parameter to DeviceIOControlpoints to memory that must be set to a GPS_POSITIONstructure that contains the most recent location information obtained by the GPS hardware.

If the GPS hardware has no data, but the hardware is still functioning, the dwValidFields member of the GPS_POSITIONstructure should be set to 0.

Return Values

TRUE if the GPS hardware is functioning, even if there was no data to return.

FALSE if there has been a GPS hardware error (for example, if the GPS hardware has been unplugged).


Header gpsdev.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also