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In the Outlook Object Model , you can set an Appointment's MeetingStatus property to mark it as a Meeting Request. As a result, you can create Appointment items that have a Recipient List, and yet are notMeeting Requests. This is not possible on Windows Embedded CE–based devices.

In the Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM), an Appointment is a Meeting Request if it has an IRecipientscollection. The IAppointment::get_MeetingStatusmethod returns an OlMeetingStatusenumeration value of either olNonMeetingor olMeeting.

The IRecipient::get_Addressmethod returns a read-only version of the Recipient's e-mail address, and the IRecipient::put_Addressmethod accesses a writable version.

In the Outlook Object Model, the same property returns a read-only version. In the Outlook Object Model, there is no writable version because there is no IPOlRecipient::Resolvemethod, which matches a Recipient's first and last names with Contact names in the data store.

See Also