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DirectShow implements several classes to handle Win32 threads, events, and critical sections. These include the following classes.

The following illustration shows these classes.

CAMEventhandles a Windows Embedded CE event as a C++ object. The methods in this class allow events to be put into the signaled state or reset to a nonsignaled state, and also allow a caller to block until an event is signaled. Events can also be cast to handles and passed to the WaitForMultipleObjectsfunction.

CCritSechandles a Win32 critical section as a C++ object to provide intraprocess synchronization. Methods of this class allow you to create, lock, and unlock a critical section.

CAutoLockholds a critical section (a CCritSecobject) for the scope of a block or function. The critical section is locked in the constructor and unlocked in the destructor.

CAMThreadprovides an abstract worker thread class enabling creation, synchronization, and communication with a worker thread.

CMsgThreadprovides support for a worker thread to which requests can be posted asynchronously instead of being sent directly. Messages, in the form of a CMsgobject, can be posted to a CMsgThreadobject.

CMsgcreates an object containing a message to be passed to a CMsgThreadobject.