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The following XML examples can be used as templates to configure the Clock Configuration Service Provider.

When you set the Alarm or Clock using a provisioning XML file, the Clock Configuration Service Provider expects you to provide the full date/time string in ISO 8601 standard date/time format:


For example, 2005-10-04T13:45:59Zrepresents 4 October 2005 at 1:45:59 PM. The 'Z' specifies Coordinated Universal Time (also known as UTC or Zulu time), which uses the 24-hour numbering system.

Replace the values for each parameter with values that correspond to your system.

To use these examples, you must replace the values as appropriate, and add the node as a child of the SyncBodynode in an OMA DM provisioning file. For more information about the syntax of the provisioning file, see OMA DM Provisioning Files .

The Clock Configuration Service Provider is available on Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic as of Windows Mobile 6.1. However, on these platforms, this Configuration Service Provider supports only the Date and Time settings ( Date, Time, and TimeZone), and does not support the Alarm settings ( AlarmOn, AlarmOn2, AlarmTime, AlarmTime2, and AlarmTimeout).

The Clock Configuration Service Provider for Windows Mobile Standard does not correctly handle the ISO 8601 standard date/time format. As a result, the end user will not be able to set the date, time or alarm after an OMA DM update. To prevent this, set the date/time as a string, in the format "1/1/1753 1:45:00 PM", not a date/time format as shown above.

See Also