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Occurs when a stroke is added to the IInkDispobject.


void InkAdded([in] VARIANT StrokeIds);



[in] The integer array of stroke ID information for all of the strokes that have been added when this event occurs.

For more information about the VARIANT structure, see Using the Automation Library with Windows Mobile Ink.


If you use the IInkOverlayobject (where IInkOverlay::EditingModeequals Delete and IInkOverlay::EraserModeequals StrokeErase) and pass the eraser over a stroke, you get the following sequence of events:

  • InkDeleted

  • InkAdded

  • InkDeleted

The additional InkAddedand IInkDisp::InkDeletedevents occur because the underlying code adds an internal, invisible stroke to track the eraser.

This event method is defined in the _IInkEventsinterface. The _IInkEventsinterface implements the IDispatch interface with an identifier of DISPID_IEInkAdded.

The InkAddedevent is fired even when in select or erase mode, not just when inserting ink. This requires that you monitor the editing mode (which you are responsible for setting) and be aware of the mode before interpreting the event. The advantage of this requirement is greater freedom to innovate on the platform through greater awareness of platform events.


Header msinkaut.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6 Classic and later, Windows Mobile 6 Professional and later

See Also