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DirectShow provides facilities for wait debugging. These facilities build on the Win32 HANDLE-based wait facilities, but you can expand them to debug specific wait conditions.

In the debug build, you can update the global current time-outwith calls to DbgSetWaitTimeout.

Updating the current time-out does not affect debug wait calls that are already waiting.

If this is a debug build and a value named TIMEOUT exists in the registry under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Debug\GLOBALkey, the TIMEOUT value is used as the initial current time-out.

TIMEOUT must be a REG_DWORD value and is measured in milliseconds. If not, the initial time-out defaults to INFINITE.

Call the following functions to perform debuggable waiting.

Programming element Description


Updates the current time-out value.


Waits for an array of handles to be signaled, or for the current time-out to expire.


Waits for a handle to be signaled, or for the current time-out to expire.

See Also