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The PR_CE_FETCH_ATTACHMENT_FAILUREproperty indicates that the attempt to retrieve attachments for the current message, has failed. The binary value of this property is an array of ULONGindices of attachments that failed to download. You can calculate the size of the array by dividing the total binary size by sizeof(ULONG).

The value is only valid until the next attachment failure.

Additional Information

Must be exposed by:

Transport objects



Property type:


Property tag:



PR_CE_FETCH_BODY_FAILUREand PR_CE_FETCH_ATTACHMENT_FAILUREare the "Fetch Failure Indication" properties, and are used with the kszCapImmediateDownloadBoolean Service Capability Constant. Communicated by way of MAPI notifications, these properties indicate whether an attempt to retrieve a message outside of the normal Send/Receive flow, has failed. They allow transports other than ActiveSync, to leverage the same Fetch user interface mechanism.


Header cemapi.h
Library cemapi.lib
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6 and later

See Also