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Because this interface contains two methods intended to deal with an entire class of objects, it is implemented on the class object for a specific class of objects, identified by a class identifier (CLSID).

When to Implement

You must implement this interface for every class that you register in the system registry and to which you assign a CLSID, so objects of that class can be created.

When to Use

After calling the CoGetClassObjectfunction to get an IClassFactoryinterface pointer to the class object, call the CreateInstancemethod of this interface to create a new uninitialized object.

It is not, however, always necessary to go through this process to create an object. To create a single uninitialized object, you can, instead, just call the CoCreateInstancefunction.

OLE also provides numerous helper functions (with names of the form OleCreate XXX ) to create compound document objects.

Call the LockServermethod to keep the object server in memory and enhance performance only if you intend to create more than one object of the specified class.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order.

Method Description


Creates an uninitialized object of a specified class identifier (CLSID).


Locks an object application open in memory.

This allows new objects to be created more quickly.


To determine whether the platform supports this interface, see Determining Supported COM APIs.


Header ocidl.h, ocidl.idl
Library ole32.lib, uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also