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The following interfaces are provided for SSP.

These interfaces enable an SSP to be more interactive with the user. The OnSSPEnableand OnSSPDisablefunctions enable an SSP to react to the user who is clicking the Enablecheckbox in the Optionsdialog box. This can be useful if multiple SSPs need to interact with each other or if an SSP needs to inform another process when it is enabled or disabled.

The IReplStore2interface allows an SSP to display the Settingsdialog box when the SSP is not enabled. If the SSP is not enabled before the Optionsdialog box is displayed, and the SSP has not implemented the IReplStore2interface, ActiveSync does not display the Settingsdialog box.

These functions and the interface in this section require Activesync versions 3.7.1 and later.

See Also