This is retired content. This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

SL messages use the UTF-8-encoded character set that is described in the WAP Wireless Markup Language Specification Version 19 February 2000. With a few exceptions, SL notifications use the SL DTD as it is described in the WAP Service Loading Specification Version 08-Nov-1999.

SL messages only support HTTP, HTTPS, WSP, and WSPS links. If a message contains any unsupported links, SL drops it at the transport, and therefore never displays it in the Inbox. If the action level for a message is cache, after the content is downloaded and cached, a notification is sent to the Inbox.

For an HTTP or WSP link, SL forces the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) by changing the link, for example, an "http://" link prefix is changed to "https://". To handle these types of SL messages, the server should have a valid SSL certificate. SL does not initiate a user notification before it downloads message content from a secure server. However, it does notify the user upon message download from a non-secure server. In this case, SL places a message in the Inbox indicating that the device has failed to download the linked content.

Operators can disable the security setting by provisioning it off in the XML file.

The following is an example SL notification. Descriptions of each element follow the example SL notification. For more information about creating SL notifications, see the WAP Service Loading Specification.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>



Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for accessing the update or the new service. In this case, the URI is


Specifies the action that the device must perform when the SL message is received. If the action level is execute-highor execute-low, the downloaded service is run immediately without getting permission from the user. If the action level is cache, the downloaded service is cached and a message is sent to the Inbox.

See Also