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Notifies the container that one of its objects is being activated in place.


HRESULT OnInPlaceActivate();

Return Value

This method supports the following return values:

Value Description


The container allows the in-place activation.


The call to the method unexpectedly failed.

Notes to Callers

IOleInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceActivateis called by the active embedded object when it is activated in-place for the first time. The container should note that the object is becoming active.

Notes to Implementers

A container that supports linking to embedded objects must properly manage the running of its in-place objects when they are UI-inactive and running in the hidden state. To reactivate the in-place object quickly, a container should not call IOleObject::Closeuntil the container's IOleInPlaceSite::DeactivateAndUndomethod is called. To help protect against the object being left in an unstable state if a linking client updates silently, the container should call OleLockRunningto lock the object in the running state. This prevents the hidden in-place object from shutting down before it can be saved in its container.


Header Oleidl.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also

