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The following table shows a list of the voice commands used to play music, with a description of the purpose of each.

Command Description

Play Anything

Used to play all media.

Play Music Play Media

Used to be guided through selecting music.

Play Album Play Artist Play Genre

Used to choose from available albums.

Play albumPlay artistPlay genrePlay album by artist

Used to listen to a specific album.

Next Track

Used to play the next track in Windows Media Player.

Previous Track

Used to play the previous track in Windows Media Player.


Used to play the current track in Windows Media Player.


Used to pause the current track in Windows Media Player.


Used to stop the current track in Windows Media Player.

Turn Shuffle On

Used to randomly play tracks.

Turn Shuffle Off

Used to stop randomly playing tracks.

What Song Is This What Track Is This

Used to hear information about the current track.


While listening to any music, you can push the Voice Command button to interrupt and say

  • That Oneto choose the current option

  • <choice>to choose an option


Copy Code
Play Artist 
Play Scott Bishop Band 
Play Album by Scott Bishop Band 
Play Rock 
What track is this? 

See Also